How to Create A Social Media Landing Page in Squarespace (+ a Linktree hack!)

How to Create A Social Media Landing Page in Squarespace (+ a Linktree hack!)

A social media bio is incredibly important.  Itโ€™s a snapshot of who you are (your name/handle), what you do (your bio) and where people can find out more about you (your URL).  The problem is, when you have various aspects to your brand, driving traffic to your home page may not yield the best results (i.e. sales or email subscribers).  You only have the option to include one link on your social profiles (and you can't add links in descriptions on Instagram), so you should maximize that link as much as you can.  Today I will be discussing two ways to maximize the URL on your social media bioโ€™s in Squarespace by creating dedicated social media landing pages.

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